Despite the midair birth that increased Flight EK319’s passenger count by one, births on commercial airliners are rare. Consistent with other commercial airlines, Emirates has rules limiting travel for women in the latter stages of pregnancy. new life – a passenger gave birth midair. The new passenger, and mom, wer...

Long waiting times for departure, protracted check-in procedures at the airport, and the flight itself are rather tiresome, so they can spoil the tourist’s mood and worsen the impressions of even the most desired trip. How to make your flight comfortable? We’ve prepared five simple yet powerful travel tips for you ...

Making the decision to use Vantage Elite for Dubai airport transportation can be an unforgettable experience. When you’re planning a trip somewhere new, it might be exciting and fascinating. You must prepare everything to reduce your stress if you want to enjoy your tour to the fullest. Your main concern should be ma...